Quotes by Charlie Sanabria

Last updated September 4th 2022.

Phrases to live by
Part 6 of 6

Woah! You've made it this far! You must be really bored...

Well, here are a few things that I like to think are my original thoughts. I hope I didn't subconsciously steal them from someone else—althought that is almost impossible nowadays.

My biggest fear is missing (or not seeing) life changing experiences that are right in front of me
Charlie Sanabria

Mediocrity is the default consequence of a lack of self improvement
Charlie Sanabria

If you are expecting your workout to entertain you, you are missing the point of exercising—and you are better off staying on that couch watching TV
Charlie Sanabria

If we live the way we want to live only on the weekends and holidays, we would enjoy only about 30 percent of our lives. Do we really want to live a third of a life?
Charlie Sanabria

Change is not made by imposing your ways on someone else, it is made through reaching out and understanding someone else’s circumstances
Charlie Sanabria

Living a life waiting for something exciting to happen (or someone to save you from boredom) is the easiest way to throw away your best years
Charlie Sanabria

Failing to apologize leads to unnoticed errors, and unnoticed errors are doomed to be repeated
Charlie Sanabria

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